Profound and Detailed
Definition of Fieldbus
According to IEC standards of International Electrotechnical Commission and the definition of Fieldbus Foundation FF (Fieidbus Foundation): Fieldbus is a digital, two-way transmission, multi branch communication network connecting intelligent field devices and automation systems. That is to say, the system based on field bus takes a single decentralized, digital and intelligent measuring and control equipment as the node of the network, and uses the bus to connect to realize the mutual exchange of information, so that different networks and different field devices
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Generation of Fieldbus
With the rapid development of information and science and technology, the way of information exchange is changing with each passing day, and is developing towards globalization and digitalization. As the fusion product of information and science and technology development, the automatic control system has also undergone tremendous changes in the past two hundred years since the 19th century. Generally speaking, it can be divided into five generations: (1) Pneumatic signal control system (PCS) Pneumatic signal control system is the first generation control system based on 5-13 psi that appeared in the middle of the 19th century (2)
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Who will become the last hegemon of the three mainstream technologies of industrial communication
Fieldbus, Ethernet and wireless technologies have their own advantages and disadvantages, so who will be the mainstream in the future? Obviously, not only one technology is the "right" solution for all manufacturers or machines? Producers must weigh the value of various options. Is there another kind of profit that is more valuable than the benefits from the ordinary scheme? If so, how do these solutions compare with the cost of maintaining another factory level technology and corresponding supplier relationships in a few years? This is a key question
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What is a distributed I/O device
When building a system in the application field, it is usually necessary to integrate the input and output of the process into the automation system. If the input and output are far away from the programmable controller, it will need to lay a long cable, which is not easy to achieve, and may reduce the reliability due to electromagnetic interference. Distributed I/O devices are the ideal solution for such systems:>Control CPU at the central position>I/O devices (input and output) run locally and distributed.> Powerful PRO
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Modbus communication protocol
When communicating on a Modbus network, this protocol determines that each controller must know their device address, identify messages sent by address, and decide what action to take. If a response is required, the controller will generate a feedback message and send it using the Modbus protocol. On other networks, messages containing the Modbus protocol are converted to frames or packet structures used on this network. This transformation also extends the node address, routing path and error detection
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